Boucles d'oreilles Irrégulier en Argent Sterling Doré à l'Or Fin avec Turquoise Marquise
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A propos de ces boucles d'oreilles
Restez bleu audacieux avec la boucle d'oreille goutte turquoise Marquise de Gemondo avec sertissage Topaze en argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les gemmes turquoises sont si appréciées pour leurs couleurs bleu vif et aussi pour les veines plus foncées qui peuvent se tisser à travers les pierres. Tout au long de l'histoire, la turquoise a été considérée comme synonyme de protection et de prospérité.
La topaze blanche est une alternative scintillante à la variété bleue populaire qui affiche un bel éclat. Il a été dit que les anciens Égyptiens portaient la topaze comme talisman protecteur et qu'elle était considérée comme un cadeau du dieu du soleil Ra.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez la collection Irregular de Gemondo où les formes organiques sont équilibrées en beauté avec des diamants scintillants et des pierres précieuses taillées en cabochon dans des formes inhabituelles d'argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
Code produit
Argent sterling doré à l'or fin
Détails des pierres précieuses
1 x Turquoise - 1.5ct - Marquise
Origine des pierres précieuses
Turquoise - Chine
Bague Chevalière Zodiaque Sagittaire en Or Jaune 9ct avec une Turquoise
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A propos de cette bague
Design moderne et à la mode avec une couleur bleue de Turquoise.La bague du zodiaque Sagittaire Signet, qui se distingue par la pierre précieuse Turquoise.
A propso des pierres précieuses
La turquoise a été l'une des premières pierres précieuses à être extraite et a même été retrouvée enterrée dans des tombes égyptiennes antiques.
A propos de la collection
Hey amoureux de l'astrologie ! Exprimez-vous avec la collection Gemondo Zodiac. Découvrez une gamme de pendentifs en pierre de naissance délicats et de bagues du zodiaque remarquables conçues pour correspondre à votre personnalité unique. Des Capricornes passionnés aux Sagittaires sophistiqués, trouvez votre signe et portez-le avec vous de la plus belle des manières.
Code produit
Or jaune 9 carats
Détails des pierres précieuses
1 x Turquoise - 0.017ct - 1.7mm
Origine des pierres précieuses
Turquoise - Chine
Pendentif Irrégulier en Argent Sterling Doré à l'Or Fin avec Turquoise Marquise et Topaze
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A propos de ce pendentif
Faites une déclaration bleue audacieuse avec le pendentif turquoise Marquise de Gemondo avec des pierres précieuses de topaze serties en argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les gemmes turquoises sont si appréciées pour leurs couleurs bleu vif et aussi pour les veines plus foncées qui peuvent se tisser à travers les pierres. Tout au long de l'histoire, la turquoise a été considérée comme synonyme de protection et de prospérité.
La topaze blanche est une alternative scintillante à la variété bleue populaire qui affiche un bel éclat. Il a été dit que les anciens Égyptiens portaient la topaze comme talisman protecteur et qu'elle était considérée comme un cadeau du dieu du soleil Ra.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez la collection Irregular de Gemondo où les formes organiques sont équilibrées en beauté avec des diamants scintillants et des pierres précieuses taillées en cabochon dans des formes inhabituelles d'argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
Code produit
Argent sterling doré à l'or fin
Détails des pierres précieuses
1 x Topaze Incolore - 0.027ct - Ronde - 1.7mm 1 x Topaze Incolore - 0.003ct - Ronde - 0.9mm 1 x Turquoise - 1.5ct - Marquise
Origine des pierres précieuses
Topaze incolore - Brésil Turquoise - Chine
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Irrégulier en Argent Sterling Doré à l'Or Fin avec Turquoise Marquise et Topaze
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A propos de ces boucles d'oreilles
Démarquez-vous avec une déclaration bleue avec la boucle d'oreille goutte turquoise Marquise de Gemondo avec sertissage Topaze en argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les gemmes turquoises sont si appréciées pour leurs couleurs bleu vif et aussi pour les veines plus foncées qui peuvent se tisser à travers les pierres. Tout au long de l'histoire, la turquoise a été considérée comme synonyme de protection et de prospérité.
La topaze blanche est une alternative scintillante à la variété bleue populaire qui affiche un bel éclat. Il a été dit que les anciens Égyptiens portaient la topaze comme talisman protecteur et qu'elle était considérée comme un cadeau du dieu du soleil Ra.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez la collection Irregular de Gemondo où les formes organiques sont équilibrées en beauté avec des diamants scintillants et des pierres précieuses taillées en cabochon dans des formes inhabituelles d'argent sterling doré à l'or fin.
Code produit
Argent sterling doré à l'or fin
Détails des pierres précieuses
2 x Topaze Incolore - 0.034ct - Ronde - 1.5mm 2 x Topaze Incolore - 0.006ct - Ronde - 0.9mm 2 x Turquoise - 2ct - Marquise
Origine des pierres précieuses
Topaze incolore - Brésil Turquoise - Chine
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Siberian Waltz avec Opalet Triplet & Turquoise
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A propos des boucles d'oreilles
Une élégante paire de pendants d'oreilles en émail bleu et blanc bordées de pierres précieuses d'opale triplet colorées et de turquoises serties dans de l'argent sterling plaqué or. Ces boucles d'oreilles ont une tige et un dos papillon pour les oreilles percées.
A propos des pierres
À première vue, l'opale triplet peut ressembler à une pierre bleue inhabituelle. Cependant, lorsque cette pierre précieuse attrape la lumière, elle révèle des éclairs de néon. Le nom opale vient du latin "Opalus" et du grec "Opallios" qui signifient tous deux "pierre précieuse". L'opale est la pierre de naissance d'octobre et est le cadeau traditionnel pour un 14e anniversaire de mariage. La turquoise a été trouvée dans les bijoux qui remontent aux anciens Égyptiens. Dans les temps anciens, ce joyau était considéré comme sacré, réservé aux dieux et ne pouvait être porté par de simples mortels. La turquoise est une pierre de naissance de décembre et est traditionnellement offerte en cadeau du 11e anniversaire.
Plongez dans les couleurs cinétiques de la collection Siberian Waltz. C'est un endroit où l'esthétique de l'architecture russe à couper le souffle et l'opulence des bijoux tsaristes sont honorées dans les méandres complexes d'une danse de bijoux. Avec des détails en émail coloré et des pierres précieuses vibrantes, cette collection de bijoux de créoles carrées, d'anneaux empilables et de pendentifs superposés vous invite au bal.
Pendentif ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Serpent avec Turquoise Ovale
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About This Item
Inspired by ancient Egypt's most iconic ruler, this stunning gold-plated pendant is fit for queens. Featuring a winding snake motif and an alluring Turquoise gem, this pendant exudes female power that will add fierceness to your neckline.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for Extraordinary Women tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Pendentif ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Serpent avec Turquoise
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About This Item
Inspired by ancient Egypt's most iconic rule, this stunning gold-plated pendant is fit for queens. Featuring a winding snake motif and an alluring turquoise gem, this pendant exudes female power that will add fierceness to your neckline.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for Extraordinary Women tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Bracelet ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Serpent avec Turquoise
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About This Item
This bracelet is inspired by ancient Egypt's most iconic ruler and features an enticing Turquoise gem wrapped in an alluring gold-plated silver snake motif. The ancient Egyptians included snakes on the front of pharaohs' crowns and in hieroglyphs. It is believed that the use of snakes in this way symbolised the goddess Wadjet, an ancient protective deity. Embody the goddess in you with this fierce bracelet, fit for a queen measuring 14.5cm with 3cm extender..
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for Extraordinary Women tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Boucles d’Oreilles Pendantes ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Serpent avec Turquoise
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About This Item
A pair of tempting gold-plated silver winding snake drop earrings, featuring stunning turquoise gems. These earrings that inspired by Egypts most iconic ruler will have you feeling like an empress without the fatal love story. These earrings have a fishhook back for pierced ears.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for Extraordinary Women tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Bague ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Serpent avec Turquoise
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About This Item
Inspired by Egypts most iconic ruler, this stunning gold-plated winding snake ring will add fierceness to your ring stack. Featuring a dazzling turquoise gem, this ring exudes female ruling power.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for Extraordinary Women tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Collier ECFEW™ 'The Ruler' Talisman avec Turquoise
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About This Item
This delicate necklace is inspired by Egypts most iconic ruler and features a vibrant turquoise stone set in gold-plated sterling silver on a 45cm chain with a 5cm extender. Talismans and amulets were important in ancient Egypt as they symbolised status and power. These gemstone artefacts were often buried alongside Pharoahs in their tombs. Embody the ruler in you with this fierce necklace fit for a queen.
Gemstone Information
In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
ECFEW™ Collection
The Extraordinary Collection for ExtraordinaryWomen tells visual stories of heroic females to inspire a new generation of strong and empowering women. Adorn beautiful gemstone jewellery pieces created in homage to muses who have owned their course of history.
Charm's Collection Achievement Turquoise "Pierre de la Protection" Argent 925
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Stone of Protection
A seed of growth charm with an oval cabochon cut turquoise. Turquoise has been heralded as a sacred stone in many cultures. Once thought to forewarn of danger, turquoise has become a symbol of protection and restoration. Wear this turquoise gem on your HS Achievement Bangle to signify experiences where healing and self-actualisation were found.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Turquoise "Pierre de la Protection" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
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Stone of Protection
A seed of growth charm with an oval cabochon cut turquoise. Turquoise has been heralded as a sacred stone in many cultures. Once thought to forewarn of danger, turquoise has become a symbol of protection and restoration. Wear this turquoise gem on your HS Achievement Bangle to signify experiences where healing and self-actualisation were found.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charms Zodiaque Sagittaire Or Jaune 375 Turquoise
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About This Item
A celestial turquoise charm in 9ct yellow gold representing the Sagittarius sign in the zodiac. Sagittarius is the fire sign of the centaur archer. These star signs are thought to be adventurers with a positive attitude and giving nature. Express your own unique qualities with this petite piece that celebrates your horoscope. Comes on a matching 9ct yellow gold 45cm chain and own your own Sagittarius pendant necklace.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise has been found in jewellery that dates back to the ancient Egyptians. In ancient times this gem was considered sacred, reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as an 11th anniversary gift.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Zodiac Collection features dainty pieces in celebration of all twelve star signs. Each piece is decorated with a birthstone to reflect the month of the wearer. Mix and match charms and chains from this beautiful gemstone jewellery range.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
1 x Stabilised Turquoise - 0.083ct - Round - 2.50mm
Add a burst of colour to your jewellery collection with this vivacious blue cabochon turquoise ring with dainty diamonds on a classic 9ct yellow gold band.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise gems are so loved for their bright colour, opaque sheen and the darker veins that can weave through the stones. Throughout history turquoise has been thought to signify protection and prosperity. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as a gift on 11th anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's classic jewellery collection featuring timeless designs that celebrate the beauty of precious and semi-precious gemstones. Find elegant rings, dangle drop earrings and more lustrous jewellery items that never go out of style.
Product Code
Width - 7mm Height - 6mm
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
1 x Turquoise - 0.66ct - Oval - 7x5mm 2 x Diamond - 0.01ct - Round Cut - 1mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Peridot - China Diamond - India
Gemondo Turquoise Bague, Argent 0,45 CT Turquoise Cabochon Contemporain Cinq Bague Pierre
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A stunning contemporary five stone style ring crafted from sterling silver featuring a central oval turquoise cabochon and four smaller round turquoise cabochon gemstones on an intricately patterned sterling silver band. Gemondo's turquoise jewellery is perfect to add a pop of colour to your look or simply a beautiful birthstone gift for those born in December.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 5
Stone Shape: 1x Oval | 4x Round
Stone Size: 1x (5x4mm) | 4x (3.00mm)
Carat Weight: 0.45ct
Natural/Created: Natural Colour, Stabilised
Country of Origin: China
Bague Géométrique Argent Plaqué Or Turquoise Prisme Hexagonal
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Framed with gold plated sterling silver, this stunning contemporary ring features a hexagonal prism shaped turquoise gemstone.
Turquoise was among the first gems to be mined and has even been found buried in ancient Egyptian tombs.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Hexagon
Stone Size: 7mm x 7mm
Carat Weight: 0.85ct
Natural/Created: Natural Turquoise
Country of Origin: China
Bague Géométrique Argent Plaqué Or Turquoise Hexagonal
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Framed with gold plated sterling silver, this stunning contemporary ring features a hexagonal prism shaped turquoise gemstone.
Turquoise was among the first gems to be mined and has even been found buried in ancient Egyptian tombs.
Make a bold blue statement with Gemondo's oval cabochon turquoise ring in 9ct yellow gold bezel setting.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise gems are so loved for their bright blue colours and also for the darker veins that can weave through the stones. Throughout history turquoise has been thought to signify protection and prosperity. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as a gift on 11th anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's classic jewellery with a range of timeless designs set with precious and semi-precious gemstones. Find elegant cocktail rings and traditional jewellery designs that never go out of style.
A stunning classic style single stone ring crafted from sterling silver featuring a central bezel set oval turquoise cabochon. Gemondo's turquoise jewellery is perfect to add a pop of colour to your look or simply a beautiful birthstone gift for those born in December.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Oval, Cabochon
Stone Size: 14x10mm
Carat Weight: 3.50ct
Natural/Created: Natural Colour, Stabilised
Country of Origin: China
Wedding Anniversaries: 11th
Amour Damier 9ct or Jaune 0,90carat 4 Griffe Ensemble Turquoise Cabochon Bague Solitaire par Gemondo
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About This Item
Add a pop of colour to your jewellery collection with this smooth cabochon turquoise ring on a classic 9ct yellow gold band.
Gemstone Information
Turquoise gems are so loved for their playful blue colours and also for the dark veins that can weave through the stones. Throughout history turquoise has been thought to symbolise protection and prosperity. Turquoise is a December birthstone and is traditionally given as a gift on 11th anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's classic jewellery with a range of timeless designs set with natural gemstones. Find elegant gemstone rings and traditional jewellery pieces that never go out of style.
Framed with gold plated sterling silver, these stunning contemporary drop earrings feature a hexagonal prism shaped turquoise gemstone.
These earrings have a fish hook and are suitable for pierced ears only.
Turquoise was among the first gems to be mined and has even been found buried in ancient Egyptian tombs.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Hexagon
Stone Size: 12mm x 4mm
Carat Weight: 2.60ct
Natural/Created: Natural Turquoise
Country of Origin: China
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Floral Or Jaune 375 Turquoise Cabochon Oval
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A classic pair of oval stud earrings crafted from 9ct yellow gold featuring a claw set turquoise cabochon. A four claw setting on these turquoise studs give a secure everyday wear and make the perfect addition for every wardrobe.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Oval
Stone Size: 7x5mm
Carat Weight: 1.08ct
birthstone: December | Wedding Anniversaries: 11th
Collier Style Art Déco Argent 925 Turquoise Oval et Marcassite
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An art deco style necklace, crafted from sterling silver, featuring an oval shaped turquoise cabochon gemstone, decorated with glimmering marcasite gemstones.
A classic style round stud earring crafted from 9ct white gold with a polished finish. Set with a stunning round cut turquoise cabochon gemstone in each stud measuring 3.5mm each. The stones are encased in a 4 claw setting for security.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 3.50mm
Carat Weight: 0.33ct
Natural/Created: Natural Turquoise
Country of Origin: China
Pendentif Style Art Nouveau Or Jaune 375 Motif Fleuri Turquoise Ronde
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A beautiful pendant set with a turquoise cabochon gemstone, encased in an intricate 9ct yellow gold design.
This pendant comes with a matching 45cm / 18in 9ct yellow gold chain.
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 10mm
Carat Weight: 1.50ct
Natural/Created: Natural Turquoise
Country of Origin: China
Pendentif Floral Or Jaune 375 Turquoise Cabochon
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A stunning genuine turquoise cluster pendant crafted from 9ct yellow gold featuring 7 round turquoise cabochon gemstones creating a floral cluster. Gemondo's turquoise jewellery is perfect to add a pop of bright blue colour to your look or simply a beautiful birthstone gift for those born in December.
This pendant comes with a matching 45cm/ 18inch 9ct yellow gold chain
Turquoise Information:
Number of Stones: 7
Stone Shape: Round, Cabochon
Stone Size: 3.00mm
Carat Weight: 0.73ct
Natural/Created: Natural Mined Stone
Country of Origin: United States
Wedding Anniversaries: 11th
Bracelet Classique Or Jaune 375 Turquoise Cabochon
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From Gemondo's exclusive Amour Damier collection we bring you this elegant and classic bracelet crafted from 9ct yellow gold featuring a single 4 claw set turquoise cabochon gemstone. For lovers of the bright blue colour pop of natural turquoise gemstones to those with a December birthstone, the Amour Damier collection features fine jewellery pieces inspired by love but suitable for the everyday.
Une paire de boucles d'oreilles à tige en véritable turquoise bleu vif fabriquées en or jaune 9 carats avec 7 cabochons turquoise de taille ronde créant un motif floral. Les bijoux turquoise de Gemondo sont parfaits pour ajouter une touche de couleur à votre look ou tout simplement comme un magnifique cadeau avec pierre de naissance pour les personnes nées en décembre.
Ces boucles d'oreilles ont une tige et un clip papillon et conviennent uniquement aux oreilles percées
Informations turquoise :
Nombre de pierres : 14
Forme de la pierre : ronde, cabochon
Taille de la pierre : 3,00 mm
Poids en carats : 1,47 ct
Naturel/Créé : Pierre naturelle extraite
Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Anniversaires de mariage : 11e