Une paire de boucles d'oreilles à tige en véritable turquoise bleu vif fabriquées en or jaune 9 carats avec 7 cabochons turquoise de taille ronde créant un motif floral. Les bijoux turquoise de Gemondo sont parfaits pour ajouter une touche de couleur à votre look ou tout simplement comme un magnifique cadeau avec pierre de naissance pour les personnes nées en décembre.
Ces boucles d'oreilles ont une tige et un clip papillon et conviennent uniquement aux oreilles percées
Informations turquoise :
Nombre de pierres : 14
Forme de la pierre : ronde, cabochon
Taille de la pierre : 3,00 mm
Poids en carats : 1,47 ct
Naturel/Créé : Pierre naturelle extraite
Pays d'origine : États-Unis
Anniversaires de mariage : 11e
Boucles d'Oreilles Floral Argent 925 Emeraude Rond Style Cluster
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Une superbe paire de boucles d'oreilles à tige florale en émeraude fabriquées en argent sterling.
Les séduisantes émeraudes sont les magnifiques championnes vertes du monde des pierres précieuses et constituent un élément tout à fait unique de la famille des béryls.
Informations sur l'émeraude :
Nombre de pierres : 14
Forme de la pierre : ronde
Taille de la pierre : 2,70 mm
Poids en carats : 1,38 ct
Naturel/Créé : émeraude naturelle
Pays d'origine : Brésil
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Cœur et Diamant style Cluster
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About This Item
These beautiful stud earrings from the Gemondo Classic collection feature a cut out heart motif with a heart cut ruby in the centre. The design is accented by a sparkling single cut diamond.
Heart stud earrings are crafted from 9ct yellow gold and have a post and butterfly clip. Only suitable for pierced ears.
Gemstone Information
Throughout history ruby has been associated with love and passion. This makes these heart-shaped earrings a particularly thoughtful gift for someone you love.
It is believed by some that ruby can protect the wearer from misfortune and illness.
It is tradition to give ruby for a 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversary. Ruby is also the birthstone for July.
Jewellery Collection
Find your next jewellery staple in the Gemondo Classic collection. Combining elegant designs which have stood the test of time with carefully chosen gemstones, there is something for every occasion.
Product Code
Width - 7.5mm Height - 7.5mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
2 x Ruby - 0.25ct - Heart Cut - 3mm 2 x Diamond - 0.008ct - Round Cut -0.9mm
Bague Classique Or Jaune 375 Saphir et Diamant sertis cluster
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À propos de cette bague
La bague classique en saphir et diamants de Gemondo est ornée d'un saphir foncé ovale central entouré de diamants, le tout sur une monture en or jaune 9 carats poinçonnée. Semblable à la bague de fiançailles de Kate Middleton, cette bague arbore un style digne d'un mariage royal.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les saphirs sont classés parmi les quatre pierres précieuses les plus précieuses pour leur beauté, leur rareté et leur solidité. Posez la question avec cette bague de fiançailles colorée alternative ou portez-la comme une bague cocktail époustouflante. Les saphirs sont la pierre de naissance de septembre et sont également souvent offerts pour les 5 ans de mariage.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez les bijoux classiques de Gemondo avec une gamme de modèles intemporels sertis de pierres précieuses naturelles. Découvrez des modèles élégants et des bijoux de cérémonie indémodables.
Code produit
Largeur : 9 mm Hauteur : 7 mm
Matériau :
Or jaune 9 ct, poinçonné 375
Détails des pierres précieuses :
1 saphir : 7,00 ct, taille ovale : 14 x 10 mm 24 diamants : 0,12 ct, taille ronde : 1 x 1 mm
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Blanc 375 Emeraude Poire et Diamant Style Cluster
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A pair of stunning 9ct white gold stud earrings set with a stunning pear shaped emerald gemstones framed with sparkling white diamonds in a cluster design
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only
emerald Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Pear
Stone Size: 5x3mm
Carat Weight: 0.39ct
Natural/Created: Natural Mined Stone
birthstone: May | Zodiac: Cancer | Wedding Anniversaries: 20th & 35th
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Jaune 375 Saphir Rond et Diamant style Cluster
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About This Item
Set in polished 9ct yellow gold, these beautiful studs from the Gemondo Floral collection feature a lovely flower design. A ring of round cut sapphires form the petals of the flower and at the centre of the sits a dazzling white diamond.
These studs are only suitable for pierced ears and are secured by butterfly clip.
Gemstone Information
Sapphire and diamond jewellery is traditionally given as an expression of love and dedication, making these earrings a wonderful gift for a lover!
It was believed in the Middle Ages that sapphire could treat poison and even influence the spirits.
Sapphire is traditionally given for a 5th, 45th and 75th wedding anniversary. This gem is also the birthstone for September.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection embraces the beauty of nature by combining gorgeous gemstones with flower and leaf inspired motifs.
Product Code
Width - 7mm Height - 7mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
12 x Sapphire - 0.43ct - Round Cut - 1.8mm 2 x Diamond - 0.01ct - Round Cut -1mm
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Blanc 375 Emeraude et Diamant Style Cluster
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A gorgeous array of elegant emeralds give a grand compliment to single cut diamond centrepiece of these cluster earrings. These are a must have in any jewellery collection!
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only
Alluring emeralds are the gorgeous green champion of the gemstone world and make up a very unique part of the beryl family. In a field where gemstones are celebrated for their lack of inclusions, the natural emerald prides itself on its colour rather than the many possible defining imperfections. emerald deposits date back millions of years and have been adorned by glamourous historical figures such as Cleopatra.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
emerald Information:
Number of Stones: 12
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.80mm
Carat Weight: 0.37ct
Natural/Created: Natural emerald
Country of Origin: Brazil
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.00mm
Carat Weight: 0.01ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Boucles d'Oreilles Florale Clou Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamants Style Cluster
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About This Item
These flower shaped earrings from the Gemondo Floral collection feature a stunning diamond framed by a ring of rubies which form the petals of the flower.
Set in 9ct yellow gold, these earrings are only suitable for pierced ears and are secured by a post and butterfly clip.
Gemstone Information
Thanks to its stunning red hue, ruby is traditionally thought of as the gemstone of love. This makes ruby jewellery a wonderful gift for your partner!
There are several virtues ascribed to ruby. Some believe that the gem can prevent misfortune and remove sadness.
Ruby is traditionally given for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection embraces the beauty of nature by combining gorgeous gemstones with flower and leaf inspired motifs.
Product Code
Width - 7mm Height - 7mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
10 x Ruby - 0.58ct - Round Cut - 2.10mm 2 x Diamond - 0.01ct - Round Cut -1mm
A beautiful pair of art nouveau style floral stud earrings crafted from sterling silver, featuring a central round faceted blue topaz gemstone, surrounded by sparkling marcasites.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only.
blue topaz Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 5mm
Carat Weight: 1.11ct
Natural/Created: Natural blue topaz
Country of Origin: Brazil
marcasite Information:
Number of Stones: 16
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.10mm
Carat Weight: 0.19ct
Natural/Created: Natural marcasite
Country of Origin: Austria
Pendentif Floral Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant style Cluster
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About This Item
Set in 9ct yellow gold, this necklace from the Gemondo Floral collection features a single diamond encircled by 6 rubies which form the petals of the flower.
Flower pendant sits on a matching chain which measures 45cm.
Gemstone Information
Ruby and diamonds are two of the four �precious� gemstones.
Some believe that ruby can relieve nightmares and elevate mood.
Burning red ruby is rather fittingly the birthstone for the summer month of July. It is customary to give ruby for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection embraces the beauty of nature by combining gorgeous gemstones with flower and leaf inspired motifs.
Product Code
Width - 5mm Height - 7mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
3 x Ruby - 0.59ct - Round Cut - 2.5mm 1 x Diamond - 0.005ct - Round Cut - 1mm
Pendentif Floral Or Blanc 375 Emeraude Ronde et Diamant Style Cluster
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A stunning floral cluster style designed pendant crafted from 9ct white gold featuring 6 round faceted emerald gemstones around a central sparkling white diamond
This pendant comes on a matching 18inch/ 45cm 9ct white gold chain
emerald Information:
Number of Stones: 6
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 2.6mm
Carat Weight: 0.49ct
birthstone: May | Zodiac: Cancer | Wedding Anniversaries: 20th & 35th
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Floral Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant Style Cluster
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À propos de cet article
Ces boucles d'oreilles à tige en forme de fleur ludiques de la collection Gemondo Floral sont dotées de 6 pétales de rubis entourant un diamant étincelant.
Fabriquées en or jaune 9 carats, ces boucles d'oreilles à tige sont réservées aux oreilles percées et sont fixées par un clip papillon.
Informations sur les pierres précieuses
Le rubis est l'une des quatre pierres précieuses ayant le statut de pierre précieuse et est réputé pour sa riche teinte rouge.
Il existe de nombreux folklores et légendes autour du rubis. L'une des plus fascinantes est une légende birmane et thaïlandaise qui retrace tous les rubis de Birmanie jusqu'à un œuf de dragon magique.
Le rubis est traditionnellement offert pour les 15e, 40e et 80e anniversaires de mariage. Cette pierre précieuse rouge est également la pierre de naissance du mois de juillet.
Collection de bijoux
La collection Gemondo Floral embrasse la beauté de la nature en combinant de magnifiques pierres précieuses avec des motifs inspirés des fleurs et des feuilles.
Code produit
Largeur - 7 mm Hauteur - 7 mm
Or jaune 375 9 carats
Détails des pierres précieuses
12 x Rubis - 0,45 ct - Taille ronde - 1,8 mm 2 x Diamant - 0,01 ct - Taille ronde - 1 mm
Pendentif Floral Or Jaune 375 Grenat Rond et Diamant Style Cluster
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Crafted from 9ct yellow gold, this pendant features Mozambique garnet gemstones to create a flower with a diamond in the centre.
This pendant comes with a matching 9ct yellow gold chain.
Garnet jewellery is a celebration of femininity and life, empowering and beautiful. Garnet has been used in jewellery for centuries with ancient Egyptians and Romans being documented as lovers of this dark red gemstone's beauty. As a healing stone it is also thought to bring success in business and boost confidence.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
Garnet Information:
Number of Stones: 6
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 2.50mm
Carat Weight: 0.56ct
Natural/Created: Natural Garnet
Country of Origin: Africa
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.00mm
Carat Weight: 0.005ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Pendentif Classique Or Blanc 375 Saphir Poire et Diamant Style Cluster
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A stunning 9ct white gold cluster pendant set with a stunning pear shaped faceted sapphire gemstone offset with sparkling white diamonds
This pendant comes with a matching 18inch 9ct white gold chain
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Floral Or Jaune 375 Rubis Rond et Diamant Style Cluster
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A classic floral cluster designed pair of stud earrings crafted from glowing 9ct yellow gold and set with 3 brilliant round ruby gemstones around a central single cut white diamond
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only