Une goutte d'amour dans une tourmaline rose taille poire. La tourmaline est connue comme un joyau fondateur de compassion et de paix. Beaucoup de ces belles pierres sont pyroélectriques, ce qui signifie qu’elles possèdent leur propre attraction magnétique. Faites vos promesses en ajoutant cette breloque en argent sterling à votre bracelet HS Achievement pour symboliser un amour qui grandit en harmonie.
À propos de HS Achievement™
Bienvenue dans une nouvelle génération de bracelet à breloques. Au design sans vergogne et farouchement colorée, la collection Her Story Achievement de Gemondo appartient aux femmes qui surmontent tous les obstacles avec style. Collectionnez les charms qui marquent vos jalons avec des significations spéciales en pierres précieuses. Chaque pièce est spécialement conçue et soigneusement fabriquée pour glisser sans effort sur un bracelet HS Achievement™ chic et structuré.
A never-ending nurture charm with an iridescent pearl. Pearls are thought to be a symbol of purity and generosity, adorned for centuries. Wear this sterling silver pearl charm on your HS Achievement Bangle to honour shared experiences and values with your closest ones.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
A cornerstone of success in a square cut rhodolite charm. Rhodolite is a stone symbolic of creative sparks and original thinkers. As all ideas begin with vision, smash ceilings and defy expectations with this meaningful sterling silver charm for your H S Achievement Bangle.
About H S Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured H S Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Améthyste Rose "Pierre de l'accomplissement" Argent 925
Prix régulier
Climber Stone
A cornerstone of success charm in a square cut pink amethyst. Pink amethyst symbolises fortitude and understanding; Skills that help to climb life's ladders. Mark those moments when you ascend, one step at a time, with this beautiful sterling silver charm for you HS Achievement Bangle.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Améthyste "Pierre de la force" Argent 925
Prix régulier
Stone of Power
A cornerstone of success charm in a square cut purple amethyst. Amethyst is a stone symbolising the intently focused and clear of mind. Adorn this stone on your HS Achievement Bangle to show your power and dedication in building your own solid foundations.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Ague-Marine "Pierre de la sérénité" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Stone of Serenity
A seed of growth charm in calming blue aquamarine. Aquamarine is a stone of serenity, once thought to bring protection. Like the water this stone is named after, you go graciously with the flow. Wear this gold plated charm on your HS Achievement Bangle as a symbol of the times you have triumphed over insurmountable challenges and found your beatitude.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Topaze Bleue "Pierre de la renaissance" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Stone of Rebirth
A seed of growth charm in vivid blue topaz. Blue topaz is a symbol of rebirth, virtue and balance. It is believed by some to calm emotions and bring guidance during spiritual practice. Wear this beautiful blue oval cut charm on your HS Achievement Bangle to signify times you've experienced growth and development. Nothing is standing in your way.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Saphir "Pierre de la Confiance" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Stone of Confidence
A seed of growth charm with an oval cut blue sapphire. Sapphire is a precious ‘Stone of Confidence’ adorned by queens and conquerors throughout history. Wear this sapphire gem proudly on your HS Achievement Bangle as a mark of your wisdom and conviction.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Turquoise "Pierre de la Protection" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Stone of Protection
A seed of growth charm with an oval cabochon cut turquoise. Turquoise has been heralded as a sacred stone in many cultures. Once thought to forewarn of danger, turquoise has become a symbol of protection and restoration. Wear this turquoise gem on your HS Achievement Bangle to signify experiences where healing and self-actualisation were found.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
A never-ending nurture charm with a colour flash cabochon cut opal. Once thought by some to reflect the mood of those who wore it, opal has come to symbolise karma and honour. Wear this gold plated opal charm on your HS Achievement Bangle to mark the times when your truth and positivity prevailed.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
A never-ending nurture charm in a sparkling oval cut white topaz. White topaz is a stone symbolic of awareness and development. Wear this white topaz charm on your HS Achievement Bangle as you nurture yourself, show your purpose is clear and shines bright.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Péridot "Pierre de la solidarité féminine" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Rock Solid Sisterhood
A never-ending nurture charm in a oval cut peridot. Peridot is a stone of extra-terrestrial capabilities having been found in meteorites and cosmic dust. Your sisters help you shoot for the stars so proudly wear this gold plated charm on your HS Achievement Bangle in celebration of your tribe, your besties and the family you choose.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Emeraude "mère de famille" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Matriarch's Stone
A never-ending nurture charm in a bright oval cut emerald. Emerald is the mother of stones, symbolic of new beginnings, renewal and rebirth. Celebrate the times you nurture unconditionally and live life to the fullest by adding this colourful gold plated charm to your HS Achievement Bangle.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
A drop of love in a rich pear cut garnet. Garnet is a stone of love and femininity enriched in deep crimson and burgundy shades. Celebrate your first touch of love with a gold plated charm on your HS Achievement Bangle that symbolises those moments when life gives you the butterflies.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Rubis "Pierre de la Passion" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Compatible Passion
A drop of love in a vibrant pear cut ruby. Ruby is the ultimate gemstone of love and strength. Precious and warm, rubies signify the most sacred relationships. Show your undying affection with this gold plated charm for you HS Achievement Bangle that symbolises everlasting love.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Tourmaine "Pierre inderstuctible" Argent 925 Doré à l'Or Fin Jaune
Prix régulier
Promesse inébranlable
Une goutte d'amour dans une tourmaline rose taille poire. La tourmaline est connue comme un joyau fondateur de compassion et de paix. Beaucoup de ces belles pierres sont pyroélectriques, ce qui signifie qu’elles possèdent leur propre attraction magnétique. Faites vos promesses en ajoutant cette breloque plaquée or à votre bracelet HS Achievement pour symboliser un amour qui grandit en harmonie.
À propos de HS Achievement™
Bienvenue dans une nouvelle génération de bracelet à breloques. Au design sans vergogne et farouchement colorée, la collection Her Story Achievement de Gemondo appartient aux femmes qui surmontent tous les obstacles avec style. Collectionnez les charms qui marquent vos jalons avec des significations spéciales en pierres précieuses. Chaque pièce est spécialement conçue et soigneusement fabriquée pour glisser sans effort sur un bracelet HS Achievement™ chic et structuré.
A never-ending nurture charm with an iridescent pearl. Pearls are thought to be a symbol of purity and generosity, adorned for centuries. Wear this gold plated pearl charm on your HS Achievement Bangle to honour shared experiences and values with your closest ones.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
A cornerstone of success in a square cut rhodolite charm. Rhodolite is a stone symbolic of creative sparks and original thinkers. As all ideas begin with vision, smash ceilings and defy expectations with this meaningful gold plated charm for your HS Achievement Bangle.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Améthyste Rose "Pierre de l'accomplissement" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Climber Stone
A cornerstone of success charm in a square cut pink amethyst. Pink amethyst symbolises fortitude and understanding; Skills that help to climb life's ladders. Mark those moments when you ascend, one step at a time, with this beautiful gold plated charm for you HS Achievement Bangle.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Collection Achievement Améthyste "Pierre de la force" Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Stone of Power
A cornerstone of success charm in a square cut purple amethyst. Amethyst is a stone symbolising the intently focused and clear of mind. Adorn this stone on your HS Achievement Bangle to show your power and dedication in building your own solid foundations.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Chievement 'Her Stiry' Argent 925 Plaqué
Prix régulier
Her Story Engravable Charm
A chic sterling silver hexagon charm, just perfect for engraving to personalise with your own initial. Add this geometric charm to your HS Achievement Bangle and add a message to tell your own story.
About H S Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Charm's Chievement 'Her Stiry' Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune
Prix régulier
Her Story Engravable Charm
A chic gold plated sterling silver hexagon charm, just perfect for engraving to personalise with your own initial. Add this geometric charm to your HS Achievement Bangle and add a message to tell your own story.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Jonc HS Achievement Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune Petit
Prix régulier
HS Achievement Bangle
A chic and structured gold plated sterling silver charm bangle in a small size to be worn your way. This bangle features a hexagon clasp and a flexible design for easy everyday wear.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Jonc HS Achievement Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune Grand
Prix régulier
HS Achievement Bangle
A chic and structured gold plated sterling silver charm bangle in a large size to be worn your way. This bangle features a hexagon clasp and a flexible design for easy everyday wear.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Jonc HS Achievement Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune Moyen
Prix régulier
HS Achievement Bangle
A chic and structured gold plated sterling silver charm bangle in a medium size to be worn your way. This bangle features a hexagon clasp and a flexible design for easy everyday wear.
About HS Achievement™
Welcome to a new generation of charm bracelet. Unapologetic in design and fiercely colourful, Gemondo’s Her Story Achievement Collection belongs to women who overcome all odds in style. Collect charms that mark your milestones with special gemstone meanings. Each piece is especially designed and carefully crafted to slide effortlessly onto a chic and structured HS Achievement™ bangle.
Exclusively available only at Gemondo jewellery.
Bracelet Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or Jaune Malchite Prisme
Prix régulier
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle with a green malachite stone bar in a hexagonal cut. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Malachite is an attractive and alluring banded gemstone. This vibrant green stone is irresistably beautiful with a unique aesthetic when carved into cabochons with its linear stripes of bright to dark forest green. It has been said that some believed malachite once had the ability to ward off dark spirits and evil forces.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Bracelet Abeilles Collection Honeycomb Or Jaune 375 Diamant
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary bee bracelet crafted in 9ct yellow gold that is as sweet as honey. This beautiful diamond bracelet features a playful bee charm and golden honeycomb hexagons on a 16cm chain including a 3cm extender. Follow the heart of your inner spirit seeker with this elegant, nature-inspired bracelet.
Gemstone Information
Diamonds are celebrated for their unrivalled strength and striking beauty which is why they are often shared in the most romantic gestures. As birthstones, diamonds represent April birthdays and are traditionally given as 10th anniversary gifts.
Jewellery Collection
Bee the envy of your hive with the Gemondo Honeycomb Collection. Layer yourself in honeyed yellow gold and sweet sterling silver gemstone rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets inspired by the tessellated shapes of nature. Find the perfect gift for nature-lovers and jewellery trend-setters with the Gemondo Honeycomb Inspired Collection.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
3 x Diamond - 0.015ct - Round - 1mm
Gemstone Origin
Diamond - India
Bracelet Jonc Trilogie Abeilles Colelction Honeycomb Or Jaune 375 Diamant
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary bee bangle crafted in 9ct yellow gold that is as sweet as honey. This elegant open bangle is ended with a playful bee and diamond trilogy honeycomb motif. Follow the heart of your inner spirit seeker with this elegant, nature-inspired diamond bracelet.
Gemstone Information
Diamonds are celebrated for their unrivalled strength and striking beauty which is why they are often shared in the most romantic gestures. As birthstones, diamonds represent April birthdays and are traditionally given as 10th anniversary gifts.
Jewellery Collection
Bee the envy of your hive with the Gemondo Honeycomb Collection. Layer yourself in honeyed yellow gold and sweet sterling silver gemstone rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets inspired by the tessellated shapes of nature. Find the perfect gift for nature-lovers and jewellery trend-setters with the Gemondo Honeycomb Inspired Collection.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
Gemstone Origin
Diamond -
Barcelet Jonc Hexagones Abeilles Collection Honeycomb Or Jaune 375 Diamant
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary bee bangle crafted in 9ct yellow gold that is as sweet as honey. This elegant open bangle is ended with a playful bee and a gold honeycomb hexagon dusted with diamonds. Follow the heart of your inner spirit seeker with this elegant, nature-inspired diamond bracelet.
Gemstone Information
Diamonds are celebrated for their unrivalled strength and striking beauty which is why they are often shared in the most romantic gestures. As birthstones, diamonds represent April birthdays and are traditionally given as 10th anniversary gifts.
Jewellery Collection
Bee the envy of your hive with the Gemondo Honeycomb Collection. Layer yourself in honeyed yellow gold and sweet sterling silver gemstone rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets inspired by the tessellated shapes of nature. Find the perfect gift for nature-lovers and jewellery trend-setters with the Gemondo Honeycomb Inspired Collection.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
Gemstone Origin
Diamond -
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Agate Bleue Hexagonal
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle ended with beautiful hexagon cut blue lace agate gemstones. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Agate is a type of chalcedony with a glossy and opaque finish, making it the perfect gem for cabochon cuts and statement pieces. Discover blue lace agate gemstone jewellery designs featuring a pale blue hue and delicate white bands running through.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Blue Lace Agate - 1.00ct - Hexagon - 5.6x5.1mm
Gemstone Origin
Blue Lace Agate - Brazil
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Lapis Lazuli Hexagonal
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle ended with hexagon cut blue lapis lazuli gemstones. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Lapis lazuli is a gemstone so vividly blue it was once ground up and used to tint paints used in Renaissance paintings. Turn heads with this rich and deep blue semi-precious gemstone daubed with golden pyrite flecks.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Lapis Lazuli - 1ct - Hexagon - 5.6x5.1mm
Gemstone Origin
Lapis Lazuli - Afghanistan
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Nacre Hexagonal
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle ended with bezel set mother of pearl hexagon cut gemstones. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Mother of pearl is a beautiful and iridescent nacre material with wonderful shine and white shades that has been used for centuries in jewellery making.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Mother of Pearl - 1ct - Hexagon - 5.6x5.1mm
Gemstone Origin
Mother of Pearl - Australia
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Agate Bleue Prisme
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric bangle ended with a hexagonal cut blue lace agate gemstone bar. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Agate is a type of chalcedony with a glossy and opaque finish, making it the perfect gem for cabochon cuts and statement pieces. Discover blue lace agate gemstone jewellery designs featuring a pale blue hue and delicate white bands running through.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
1 x Blue Lace Agate - 2.50ct - Hexagon Prism - 22.1x4mm
Gemstone Origin
Blue Lace Agate - Brazil
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Onyx Noire Prisme
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle with a sleek black onyx hexagonal cut gemstone bar. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Be seduced by the dark beauty of black onyx. Often used in carved cameo jewellery, black onyx provides a beautiful contrast and a gothic edge to your jewellery collection.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Black Onyx - 2.50ct - Hexagon Prism - 22.1x4mm
Gemstone Origin
Onyx - Brazil
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Nacre Prisme
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle with a focal mother of pearl hexagonal cut gemstone bar. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Mother of pearl is a beautiful and iridescent nacre material with wonderful shine and white shades that has been used for centuries in jewellery making.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
1 x Mother of Pearl - 2.50ct - Hexagon Prism - 22.1x4mm
Gemstone Origin
Mother of Pearl - Australia
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Agate Bleue
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle ended with beautiful hexagonal cut blue lace agate gemstones. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Agate is a type of chalcedony with a glossy and opaque finish, making it the perfect gem for cabochon cuts and statement pieces. Discover blue lace agate gemstone jewellery designs featuring a pale blue hue and delicate white bands running through.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Blue Lace Agate - 2.00ct - Hexagon Prism - 10.8x4.2mm
Gemstone Origin
Blue Lace Agate - Brazil
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Nacre
Prix régulier
About This Item
A contemporary yellow gold plated geometric open bangle ended with bezel set mother of pearl hexagonal cut gemstones. Layer up an arm stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Mother of pearl is a beautiful and iridescent nacre material with wonderful shine and white shades that has been used for centuries in jewellery making.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
2 x Mother of Pearl - 2.00ct - Hexagon Prism - 10.8x4.2mm
Gemstone Origin
Mother of Pearl - Australia
Jonc Géométrique Argent 925 Plaqué Or avec Perle et Péridot
Prix régulier
About This Item
An elegant and delicate yellow gold plated open bangle ended with a green peridot gem in a hexagon setting and a cultured freshwater pearl. Layer up a bangle stack with your gemstone bracelet favourites from Gemondo's Bangle Collection.
Gemstone Information
Peridot is a zesty gem with a vibrant green colour palette that can range from olive hues to darker bottle green shades. As a birthstone, peridot symbolises those born in August. The orb shapes and velvety iridescence of pearls evoke ideas of nature and purity. In some cultures it has been believed that pearls were ‘teardrops of the moon’ fallen from rain and placed in the heart of an oyster.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's Bangle Collection and decorate your arms generously with colourful gemstones set in structural shapes dripping in modern sophistication.
Product Code
Yellow Gold Plated Sterling Silver
Gemstone Details
1 x Peridot - 0.183ct - Round - 3.50mm 1 x Cultured Freshwater Pearl - 1.5ct - Button - 6-6.50mm
Peridot - China Cultured Freshwater Pearl - China China
Bracelet Jonc Diamant Pavé Or Jaune 375 Diamant
Prix régulier
Bracelet Jonc Diamant Pavé Or Rose 375 Diamant
Prix régulier