Un magnifique pendentif renard en or jaune 9ct avec des yeux en rubis, une queue de saphirs blancs et une finition or brossé.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les rubis sont prisés pour leur couleur rouge spectaculaire, souvent associée à la passion, au pouvoir et à l'amour. Le rubis est la pierre de naissance du mois de juillet et est traditionnellement offert pour les 15e, 40e et 80e anniversaires de mariage.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez l'élégance de la flore et de la faune joaillières avec la collection Gardenia de Gemondo. Des bijoux renard élégants et rusés, aux yeux brillants en pierres précieuses et aux motifs porte-bonheur ludiques, vous attendent dans ce magnifique jardin de pierres précieuses. Ornez vos bracelets en or sauvage, vos pendentifs animaux, vos bagues enroulées, vos boucles d'oreilles à breloques et bien d'autres bijoux inspirés de la nature pour les amoureux des grands espaces.
Pendentif ECFEW™ 'The Liberator' Fleur de Lys avec Rubis
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À propos de ce pendentif
Ce superbe pendentif rubis en or 9 carats s'inspire de l'héroïne historique de France et présente une magnifique pierre précieuse rubis rouge entourée de symboles Fleur de Lis. Fleur De Lis est un lys décoratif souvent utilisé pour représenter les saints catholiques de France. Le moyen idéal d’ajouter de la puissance et de l’élégance à votre collection de bijoux. Ce pendentif est livré avec une chaîne assortie de 45 cm en or jaune 9 carats.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Le rubis est souvent associé à la passion, à la séduction, au romantisme et au pouvoir. Le rubis est également la pierre de naissance du mois de juillet et est traditionnellement partagé comme cadeau du 15e anniversaire.
A propos de la collection
La collection extraordinaire pour femmes extraordinaires raconte des histoires visuelles de femmes héroïques pour inspirer une nouvelle génération de femmes fortes et autonomes. Ornez de magnifiques bijoux en pierres précieuses créés en hommage aux muses qui se sont approprié le cours de l'histoire.
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Classique Or jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant
Prix régulier
Crafted from 9ct yellow gold, these earrings feature an oval shaped ruby with an elegant design above adorned with sparkling diamonds.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Oval
Stone Size: 5mm x 3mm
Carat Weight: 0.64ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Africa
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 0.90mm
Carat Weight: 0.008ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Rubis Collier, 9 CT Rubis or Jaune & Diamant Pendentif Spirale avec 45cm Chaîne
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About This Item
A charming spiral pendant crafted from 9ct gold, centrally set with a round cut ruby with two diamond embellishments.This pendant comes with a matching 9ct yellow gold chain.
Gemstone Information
Ruby gets its name from the Latin word 'rubers', which literally translates to 'red'.
Diamond makes a perfect gift for both the April birthstone, and a 10th & 60th anniversary.
Ruby is the July birthstone, and is the traditional gemstone to gift on a 15th, 40th and 80th anniversary.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection emulates timeless styles using jewellery making techniques perfected for the modern day. Add an touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just an elegant yet subtle piece for everyday wear.
Pendentif Classique Or Blanc 375 Rubis Poire
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A stunning 9ct white gold pendant set with a stunning pear shaped ruby gemstone
This pendant comes with a matching 18inch 9ct white gold chain
Bague Demi-Eternité Cinq Pierres Or Jaune 9ct et Rubis Ronds
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À propos de cet article
Une belle bague d'éternité avec cinq rubis ronds qui s'enroulent autour du doigt. L'anneau en or jaune 9 carats est rehaussé d'une galerie creuse d'inspiration classique.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les gemmes de rubis sont classées comme l'une des quatre pierres vraiment précieuses pour leur beauté et leur rareté. Le rubis est la pierre de naissance de juillet et est souvent partagé comme cadeau du 15e anniversaire.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez notre gamme de bagues d'éternité, aux designs intemporels avec des pierres précieuses, qui font le cadeau parfait pour renouveler votre promesse d'amour éternel - tout en ajoutant une touche d'élégance.
Code produit
Or jaune 9 carats poinçonné 375
Détails des pierres précieuses
5 x Rubis - 0.21ct - Rond - 2mm
Origine des pierres précieuses
Rubis - Birmanie
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Blanc 375 Rubis Rond
Prix régulier
About This Item
From the Gemondo Classic collection, these 9ct white gold stud earrings feature rich red rubies held in a traditional four claw setting.
These elegant ruby studs are secured by a butterfly clip and are only suitable for pierced ears.
Gemstone Information
Renowned for its gorgeous red hue and natural beauty, ruby is considered one of the four �precious� gemstones.
It is believed that ruby can improve inflammatory diseases.
Ruby is the birthstone for July and is the traditional gift for a 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversary.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Classic collection combines iconic designs which have stood the test of time with colourful gemstones. From simple single stone earrings through to elegant cluster style necklaces, there is something for every occasion.
Product Code
Width - 3.5mm Height - 3.5mm
375 9ct White Gold
Gemstone Details
2 x Ruby - 0.44ct - Round Cut - 3.5mm
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Cœur et Diamant style Cluster
Prix régulier
About This Item
These beautiful stud earrings from the Gemondo Classic collection feature a cut out heart motif with a heart cut ruby in the centre. The design is accented by a sparkling single cut diamond.
Heart stud earrings are crafted from 9ct yellow gold and have a post and butterfly clip. Only suitable for pierced ears.
Gemstone Information
Throughout history ruby has been associated with love and passion. This makes these heart-shaped earrings a particularly thoughtful gift for someone you love.
It is believed by some that ruby can protect the wearer from misfortune and illness.
It is tradition to give ruby for a 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversary. Ruby is also the birthstone for July.
Jewellery Collection
Find your next jewellery staple in the Gemondo Classic collection. Combining elegant designs which have stood the test of time with carefully chosen gemstones, there is something for every occasion.
Product Code
Width - 7.5mm Height - 7.5mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
2 x Ruby - 0.25ct - Heart Cut - 3mm 2 x Diamond - 0.008ct - Round Cut -0.9mm
9 ct or Jaune Diamants et Rubis Spirale 19cm Bracelet
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About This Item
5 round cut red emeralds with 6 dazzling diamond accents in an spiralled alternating, elegant design. Bracelet measures 19cm in length.
Gemstone Information
Ruby & Diamond are both considered to be precious gemstones. Ruby is the traditional gemstone gift for the 15th & 40th anniversary, and represents the July birthstone. Diamond is the traditional gemstone for a 10th & 60th anniversary, and is the April birthstone. More diamond is mined and cut than any other gemstone on earth.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection uses modern techniques to emulate timeless styles. Add a elegant touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just a subtle piece for everyday wear.
Product Code
Width - 3mm Length - 19mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
5 x Ruby - 0.29ct - Round Cut - 2.2mm 6 x Diamond - 0.024ct - Round Cut - 0.9mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Myanmar Diamond - India
Pendentif Cœur Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant
Prix régulier
À propos de ce pendentif
Un collier pendentif classique et romantique avec un rubis central et des diamants étincelants dans un motif cœur en or jaune 9 carats. Ce pendentif est suspendu à une chaîne assortie de 18 pouces en or jaune 9 carats.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les rubis sont une pierre précieuse d'amour et de passion signifiant le désir et le succès avec leurs couleurs rouges ardentes. Les diamants sont célébrés pour leur force inégalée et leur beauté saisissante, c'est pourquoi ils sont souvent partagés dans les gestes les plus romantiques.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez les bijoux classiques de Gemondo avec une gamme de modèles intemporels sertis avec des pierres précieuses naturelles. Trouvez des modèles de bagues en diamant et des bijoux de cérémonie qui ne se démoderont jamais.
Code produit
Or jaune 9 carats 375 poinçonné
Détails des pierres précieuses
1 x Rubis - 0,162 ct - Rond - 3 mm 3 x Diamant - 0,024 ct - Rond - 1,20 mm 6 x Diamant - 0,036 ct - Rond - 1,10 mm
Origine des pierres précieuses
Rubis - Myanmar Diamant - Inde
Bracelet Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Oval
Prix régulier
A beautiful bracelet featuring a faceted ruby gemstone.
This bracelet features a 3cm extender. Full length 19cm.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Oval
Stone Size: 6mm x 4mm
Carat Weight: 0.63ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Bracelet Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Coeur
Prix régulier
This stunning 9ct yellow gold bracelet features 15 red ruby gemstones, which create a central heart design, with a cute yellow gold heart wither side.
A gemstone of passion, ruby also signifies desire and success. This elegant gold bracelet will ensure you are always wearing your heart on your sleeve.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 15
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 2 x (1.50mm | 13 x (1.20mm)
Carat Weight: 0.17ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Africa
Pendentif Classique Or Blanc 375 Rubis Oval et Diamant
Prix régulier
About This Item
A chic and timeless ruby necklace crafted in 9ct white gold featuring an elegant twist bale design set with a round cut diamond.
Gemstone Information
With their fiery red and pink shades, rubies have become synonymous with emotions of love and passion. Wear ruby jewellery as a means of self-expression and radiate a loving personality. Ruby is the July birthstone and ruby jewellery pieces are often given as traditional 15th anniversary gifts.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's classic jewellery with a range of timeless designs that celebrate the beauty of authentic gemstones. Find traditional and colourful precious gemstone jewellery pieces that never go out of style.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
1 x Ruby - 0.32ct - Oval - 5x3mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Thailand
9 Ct Or Jaune 0.95CT CT NATUREL RUBIS & Diamant classique bague pierre Unique
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9ct Yellow Gold 0.95ct Ruby & Diamond Ring
Beautifully handcrafted polished 9ct yellow gold ring with an open cut detail on the shoulders featuring an oval cut ruby gemstone on the centre in claw setting accented with two round cut diamonds.
Ruby Information
Stone Shape/Cut: Oval
Stone Size: 7x5mm
Number of Stones: 1
Carat Weight per Stone: 0.954
Birthstone: July
Zodiac: Capricorn
Wedding Anniversaries: 15th and 40th
Diamond Information
2x Round Cut White Diamond - Stone Size: 1.0mm - Carat Weight per Stone: 0.005
Birthstone: April
Zodiac: Aries
Wedding Anniversaries: 10th, 60th and 75th
Boucles d'Oreilles Demi-Créoles Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant
Prix régulier
A pair of stunning half hoop style earrings crafted from 9ct yellow gold set with alternating round cut faceted ruby gemstones and sparkling white diamonds
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Poire et Diamant
Prix régulier
Crafted from 9ct yellow gold, these earrings feature a pear shaped ruby with a single cut sparkling diamond above.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only.
A gemstone of passion, ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Pear
Stone Size: 6mm x 4mm
Carat Weight: 0.98ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Africa
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 0.90mm
Carat Weight: 0.008ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Rond
Prix régulier
This delicate pair of single stone drop earrings, feature a central round ruby gemstone in each earring wrapped in silky 9ct yellow gold.
These earrings come with a fish hook and are suitable for pierced ears only.
A gemstone of passion, the ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 2.20mm
Carat Weight: 0.14ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Thailand
Pendentif Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Oval
Prix régulier
A classic single stone style pendant crafted from 9ct yellow gold and set with a large oval faceted ruby gemstone
This pendant comes with a matching 18inch 9ct yellow gold chain
Bracelet Géométrique Or Jaune 375 Trois Rubis Hexagonaux serti Clos
Prix régulier
A stunning bracelet featuring a trio of round shaped ruby gemstones within a hexagon 9ct yellow gold design.
This bracelet has a 3cm extender. Full length 19cm.
A gemstone of passion, ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 3
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 3.70mm
Carat Weight: 0.82ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Africa
Bague Moderne Ouverte Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Perle
Prix régulier
Bague Classique Or Blanc 375 Rubis et Diamant Croisé
Prix régulier
A stunning crossover design ring crafted from 9ct white gold, set with a central oval ruby alongside two marquise cut rubies, decorated with single cut sparkling white diamonds.
A gemstone of passion, ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
Add a pop of colour to your look with this vivid red ruby ring featuring a round cut claw set gemstone with petite diamond shoulders on a classic 9ct yellow gold band.
Gemstone Information
Rubies signify passion and romance with their bold red colours and stone hardness. Wear ruby jewels to flaunt a love that lasts a lifetime. Ruby is the July birthstone and is often given as a 15th anniversary gift.
Jewellery Collection
Discover Gemondo's classic jewellery with a range of timeless designs set with real gemstones. Find elegant and colourful gemstone jewellery pieces that never go out of style.
Product Code
Width - 4mm Height - 5mm
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Gemstone Details
1 x Ruby - 0.34ct - Round Cut - 4mm 4 x Diamond - 0.03ct - Round Cut - 2 x 1.3mm | 2 x 1mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Thailand Diamond - India
Pendentif Moderne Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Perle
Prix régulier
About This Item
An elegant 9ct yellow gold pendant necklace with a classic pearl suspended from a geometric setting holding a round cut red ruby gemstone. This pendant sits on a matching yellow gold 45cm chain.
Gemstone Information
The orb shapes and velvety iridescence of pearls evoke ideas of nature and purity. In some cultures it has been believed that pearls were ‘teardrops of the moon’ fallen from rain and placed in the heart of an oyster. Topaz in its clear variety boasts wonderful sparkle. It has been said the Ancient Egyptians wore topaz as a protective talisman and was thought to be a gift from the sun god Ra. As a birthstone, pearls represent those born in June and rubies represent those born in July. Pearl jewellery gifts are also traditionally given to celebrate 3rd anniversaries and ruby jewellery is often gifted on 15th anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
Pearl jewellery is effortlessly elegant and timeless. Loved by trend-setters and fashion royalty alike, pearls are the gemstone of the season in chic and unusual plays of traditional pearl designs incorporating modern and organic shapes. Get the look with Gemondo's Modern Pearl Collection highlighting bright and beautiful pearls accented with colourful gemstones.
Product Code
9ct Yellow Gold 375 Hallmarked
Broche Gardenia Renard avec Rubis
Prix régulier
À propos de cette broche
Laissez-vous inspirer par la nature avec cette superbe et élégante épingle en forme de renard en or jaune 9 carats avec de magnifiques détails brossés. Cette épingle en forme de renard ludique est livrée avec des yeux de rubis passionnés et un bouchon en laiton à fixer.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Les rubis ont été appréciés pour leur couleur rouge spectaculaire qui est souvent associée à la passion, le pouvoir et l'amour. Le rubis est la pierre de naissance du mois de juillet et est traditionnellement offert pour les 15e, 40e et 80e anniversaires de mariage.
A propos de la collection
Découvrez l'élégance de la flore et de la faune des bijoux avec la collection Gardenia de Gemondo. Des bijoux de renard élégants et sournois avec des yeux de pierres précieuses brillants et des motifs porte-bonheur ludiques vous attendent dans ce magnifique jardin de pierres précieuses. Ornez des bracelets en or sauvage, des pendentifs animaux, des bagues, des boucles d'oreilles à breloques et d'autres bijoux inspirés de la nature pour les amoureux des grands espaces.
Bracelet Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Rond Facette
Prix régulier
From Gemondo's exclusive Amour Damier collection we bring you this elegant and classic bracelet crafted from 9ct yellow gold featuring a single 4 claw set checkerboard faceted ruby gemstone. For lovers of the passionate red of natural ruby gemstones to those with a July birthstone, the Amour Damier collection features fine jewellery pieces inspired by love but suitable for the everyday
Boucles d'Oreilles Pendantes Style Art Nouveau Or Jaune 375 Rubis & Diamant
Prix régulier
About This Item
From the Gemondo Art Nouveau style collection, these 9ct yellow gold drop earrings feature a beautiful oval cut ruby complemented by a sparkling diamond.
These earrings are only suitable for pierced ears and are secured by a post an butterfly clip.
Gemstone Information
Ruby and diamond are two of the four gemstones with �precious� status.
It is believed by some that ruby can protect the wearer from illness and misfortune.
While ruby jewellery is an amazing gift whatever the occasion, it is the birthstone for July and the traditional gift for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Art Nouveau collection emulates the style of the iconic art movement with intricate curved designs which take cues from nature.
Product Code
Width - 4mm Height - 17mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
2 x Ruby - 0.57ct - Oval Cut - 5x3mm 2 x Diamond - 0.008ct - Round Cut - 0.9mm
Boucles d'Oreilles Florale Clou Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamants Style Cluster
Prix régulier
About This Item
These flower shaped earrings from the Gemondo Floral collection feature a stunning diamond framed by a ring of rubies which form the petals of the flower.
Set in 9ct yellow gold, these earrings are only suitable for pierced ears and are secured by a post and butterfly clip.
Gemstone Information
Thanks to its stunning red hue, ruby is traditionally thought of as the gemstone of love. This makes ruby jewellery a wonderful gift for your partner!
There are several virtues ascribed to ruby. Some believe that the gem can prevent misfortune and remove sadness.
Ruby is traditionally given for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection embraces the beauty of nature by combining gorgeous gemstones with flower and leaf inspired motifs.
Product Code
Width - 7mm Height - 7mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
10 x Ruby - 0.58ct - Round Cut - 2.10mm 2 x Diamond - 0.01ct - Round Cut -1mm
Boucles d'Oreilles Demi-Créoles Classique Or Blanc 375 Rubis et Diamant
Prix régulier
A pair of stunning half hoop style earrings crafted from 9ct white gold set with alternating round cut faceted ruby gemstones and sparkling white diamonds.
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only.
A gemstone of passion, ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 10
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.60mm
Carat Weight: 0.31ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Africa
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 10
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 0.90mm
Carat Weight: 0.04ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Pendentif Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Oval et Diamant
Prix régulier
A stunning classic style pendant crafted from 9ct yellow gold set with two oval cut faceted ruby gemstones offset with a sparkling white diamond
This pendant comes on a matching 9ct yellow gold 18inch chain
A chic leaf earring crafted from 9ct yellow gold, set with a pear cut faceted ruby gemstone Ad diamond gemstones. These earrings have a fishhook Ad are suitable for pierced ears only.
Gemstone Information
Ruby gets its name from the Sanskrit words 'ratnaraj', meaning 'king of precious gems'.
Ruby is the perfect gift to give someone with a 15th, 40th or 80th anniversary, and �makes a great piece of jewellery for those with the July birthstone.
Ruby has been used for many centuries in the belief it would protect the wearer from illness.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection emulates timeless styles using jewellery making techniques perfected for the modern day. Add an touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just an elegant yet subtle piece for everyday wear.
Product Code
Width - 7mm Height - 12mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
2 x Ruby - 0.44ct - Pear Cut - 4x3mm 6 x Diamond - 0.018ct - Round Cut - 0.8mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Myanmar Diamond - India
Boucles d'Oreilles Créoles Floral Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant
Prix régulier
A stunning pair of floral hoop earrings crafted from 9ct yellow gold, featuring round ruby gemstones with a central diamond, creating a flower.
These earrings come with a hinged snap back and are suitable for pierced ears only.
A gemstone of passion, the ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 10
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.20mm
Carat Weight: 0.70ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Thailand
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 2
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 1.20mm
Carat Weight: 0.01ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Pendentif Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis er Diamant Oval
Prix régulier
A stunning pendant crafted from 9ct yellow gold, featuring an oval ruby gemstone decorated with a sparkling diamond.
This pendant comes with a matching 9ct yellow gold chain.
A gemstone of passion, the ruby signifies desire and success and is the perfect gift from a loving partner.
Admired for their striking beauty and strength (and being a girl's best friend), diamonds are the precious stone emblematic of the greatest romantic gestures.
ruby Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Oval
Stone Size: 5mm x 3mm
Carat Weight: 0.32ct
Natural/Created: Natural ruby
Country of Origin: Thailand
diamond Information:
Number of Stones: 1
Stone Shape: Round
Stone Size: 0.90mm
Carat Weight: 0.004ct
Natural/Created: Natural diamond
Country of Origin: India
Rubis Bracelet, 9 CT or Jaune Rubis Pierre Unique Rond Milgrain 19cm Bracelet
Prix régulier
About This Item
A single round cut ruby, set in a Milgrain decorated bezel, set on a gorgeous 9ct yellow chain. Bracelet measures 19cm in length and secures with a bolt ring clasp.
Gemstone Information
Ruby gets its name from the Latin word 'rubers', which simply translates to the word 'red'.
Ruby jewellery makes a perfect gift for both those with a� July birthstone, and those celebrating a 15th, 40th ad 80th anniversary.
Ruby was believed by the Kahn cultures to protect the in battle.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection emulates timeless styles using jewellery making techniques perfected for the modern day. Add an touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just an elegant yet subtle piece for everyday wear.
Product Code
Width - 4mm Height - 4mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
1 x Ruby - 0.34ct - Round Cut - 4mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Pendentif Cœur Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Rond et Diamant
Prix régulier
À propos de ce pendentif
Un superbe collier cœur de la collection Gemondo Classic fabriqué en or jaune 9 carats. Le collier présente un motif en forme de cœur découpé accentué par un rubis rouge sang taillé en cœur et un diamant blanc éblouissant.
Le pendentif repose sur une chaîne en or jaune 9 carats assortie.
A propos des pierres précieuses
Le diamant et le rubis sont deux des quatre pierres précieuses au statut précieux.
Le rubis est largement considéré comme la pierre précieuse de l'amour grâce à sa belle teinte rouge.
Il est traditionnel. pour offrir un rubis pour les 15e, 40e et 80e anniversaires de mariage, le rubis est également la pierre de naissance du mois de juillet.
A propos de la collection
Trouvez votre prochain bijou incontournable dans la collection Gemondo Classic. Combinant des designs élégants qui ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps avec des pierres précieuses soigneusement sélectionnées, il y en a pour chaque occasion.
Code produit
Largeur - 11 mm Hauteur - 13 mm
Or jaune 375 9 carats
Détails des pierres précieuses
1 x Rubis - 0,25 ct - Taille coeur - 4 mm 1 x Diamant - 0,004 ct - Rond Taille -0,9 mm
Pays d'origine des pierres précieuses
Rubis - Afrique Diamant - Inde
Pendentif Floral Or Jaune 375 Rubis et Diamant style Cluster
Prix régulier
About This Item
Set in 9ct yellow gold, this necklace from the Gemondo Floral collection features a single diamond encircled by 6 rubies which form the petals of the flower.
Flower pendant sits on a matching chain which measures 45cm.
Gemstone Information
Ruby and diamonds are two of the four �precious� gemstones.
Some believe that ruby can relieve nightmares and elevate mood.
Burning red ruby is rather fittingly the birthstone for the summer month of July. It is customary to give ruby for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection embraces the beauty of nature by combining gorgeous gemstones with flower and leaf inspired motifs.
Product Code
Width - 5mm Height - 7mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
3 x Ruby - 0.59ct - Round Cut - 2.5mm 1 x Diamond - 0.005ct - Round Cut - 1mm
Rubis Collier, 9 Ct or Jaune Ovale Rubis & Diamant Classique Feuille Pendentif sur 45cm Chaîne
Prix régulier
About This Item
A delicate leaf pendant crafted from 9ct yellow gold, with a centrally set with a pear cut faceted ruby gemstone and diamond gemstones. This pendant comes with a matching 9ct yellow gold 45cm / 18inch chain.
Gemstone Information
Ruby is believed to bring romance and friendship to the wearer.
Ruby is the perfect gift to give someone with a 15th, 40th or 80th anniversary, and �makes a great piece of jewellery for those with the July birthstone.
Ruby is documented as being sued as protection amulets by Marco Polo.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection emulates timeless styles using jewellery making techniques perfected for the modern day. Add an touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just an elegant yet subtle piece for everyday wear.
Product Code
Width - 8mm Height - 14mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
1 x Ruby - Pear Cut - 0.25ct - 5x3mm 3 x Diamond - 0.015ct - Round Cut - 1mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Myanmar Diamond - India
Boucles d'Oreilles Clou Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Cœur
Prix régulier
Classic heart design stud earrings crafted from 9ct yellow gold and set with a heart cut faceted ruby gemstone
These earrings have a post and butterfly clip and are suitable for pierced ears only
9 ct or Blanc Unique Rubis & Diamant Coeur Pendentif sur 45cm Chaîne
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About This Item
A lovely white gold open love heart, bordered with diamonds, with a central round cut ruby in the centre. This pendant comes with a matching 9ct white gold 45cm / 18inch chain.
Gemstone Information
Rubies deep red colour means many cultures have attributed the stone to love.
Ruby is the traditional gemstone gift for a 15th, 40th and 80th anniversary, or is the perfect gift for a July birthstone. Diamond is the birthstone for April, and is the traditional gemstone to give on a 10th and 60th anniversary.
Ruby has more scientific uses other than jewellery, often being used in modern laser technology.
Jewellery Collection
Gemondo's Classic Style Collection emulates timeless styles using jewellery making techniques perfected for the modern day. Add an touch of colour and sparkle to a special occasion, or just an elegant yet subtle piece for everyday wear.
Product Code
Width - 9mm Height - 9mm
375 9ct White Gold
Gemstone Details
1 x Ruby - 0.08ct - Round Cut - 2.5mm 5 x Diamond - 0.025ct - Round Cut - 1mm
Gemstone Country of Origin
Ruby - Myanmar Diamond - India
Bracelet Classique Or Jaune 375 Rubis Charm's Cœur
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About This Item
This gorgeous charm bracelet is made from 9ct yellow gold and features a heart motif set alight by a cluster of crimson-red rubies.
Bracelet measures 19cm and is secured with a T-bar clasp.
Gemstone Information
One of the four �precious� gemstones, ruby is celebrated for its rich red hues.Some believe that ruby has healing properties. It has been claimed that ruby can help improve inflammatory diseases and elevate mood.
Ruby is the traditional gift for 15th, 40th and 80th wedding anniversaries. It is also the birthstone for July.
Jewellery Collection
The Gemondo Floral collection celebrates the beauty of flowers through carefully-crafted, nature-inspired designs.
Product Code
Width - 14mm Height - 13mm
375 9ct Yellow Gold
Gemstone Details
12 x Ruby - 0.88ct - 8 x Marquise Cut & 4 x Round Cut - 4x2mm | 1.6mm | 2mm